Responsive Classroom
The Responsive Classroom approach to teaching is comprised of a set of well-designed practices intended to create safe, joyful and engaging classroom communities. The emphasis is on helping students develop their academic, social and emotional skills in a learning environment that is developmentally responsive to their strengths and needs.
In order to be successful in and out of school, students need:
Social and Emotional Competencies:
cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self-control
Academic Competencies:
Academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors
Responsive Classroom Guiding Principles
- Teaching social and emotional skills is as important as teaching content
- How we teach is as important as what we teach
- Great cognitive growth occurs through social interaction
- How we know and believe about students informs our expectations, reactions, and attitudes
- What we know and believe about students informs our expectations, reactions and attitudes
- Partnering with families, knowing them and valuing their contributions, is important
Key Practices
- Morning Meeting: Morning Meeting gives students a consistent time and place every day to explore and practice social skills and to merge social, emotional, and academic learning.
- Interactive Modeling: Interactive Modeling is a simple strategy that is used to teach routines, social-emotional skills, and academic skills through modeling, practice, and repetition.
- Teacher Language: The language we use in the classroom is an essential and powerful mode of communicating our expectations to children.
- Logistical Consequences: Logistical consequences help children recognize the effects of their actions and develop internal controls.
- Established Rules and Routines: School and classroom rules are established through the lens of helping students understand the purpose of rules and how the rules will help them reach their goals.
- Closing Circle: A closing circle brings a peaceful end to the school day.