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Student Life

Students walk into school with teachers as well as a teacher with open arms

Program Components

  • Daily instruction in literacy, math science, social studies, and SEL
  • Academic and play-based centers to guide student exploration and learning
  • Daily recess and gross-motor play
  • Small group instruction and play focused on CT Early Learning and Development Standards and the CT Common Core of Teaching
  • Museum experiences where students explore topics of interest 
  • Rest time in pre-kindergarten
  • Daily essentials classes in art, music, physical education, library/inquiry, and creative movement
TFS student gets off the school bus with help of teacher

A Day At The Friendship School

Morning Meeting

The whole class gathers for the daily ritual of morning meeting. This is a time focused on building relationships, SEL skills, and community. We use the Responsive Classroom approach and Second Step program to support SEL. 


Literacy instruction includes read-aloud, shared reading, phonetic development, and decoding skills. Students progress through developmentally appropriate learning experiences while building their literacy skills. 

Fundations and Heggerty

These research based programs cover essential pre-literacy skills including letter knowledge, phonemic awareness, and phonics. These skills are essential for students to be ready for kindergarten literacy.


Whole group lessons and small group centers present math concepts in a way that helps students develop number sense, one-to-one correspondence, and mathematical reasoning. We use the Bridges Math Program to guide math instruction.

Rest Time

Rest Time is an important part of our Pre-K. Students have mats and take the opportunity to rest their minds and bodies. While students do not need to sleep, they need to stay on their mat quietly so that others may sleep. 

Services and Community Partners

Specialized Service

  • OT
  • PT 
  • Speech
  • Social Worker
  • School Psych
  • Special Education

Head Start

  • Provides services to families in school and at home

School-Based Health Center

  • Registered Nurse
  • Counselors
  • Mobile Dental for in-school care


  • Before and After School Care
  • School Vacation Childcare

Sample Daily Schedule

Time Class or Activity
9:15-9:45 am Breakfast Snack and Arrival
9:45-10:05 am Morning Meeting
10:05-10:50 am Literacy Block
10:50-11:50 am Recess and Lunch
11:50 am-12:25 pm Math Block
12:30-1:05 pm Essentials (PE, Art, Music, Library, Creative Movement)
1:05-1:45 pm SEL and Magnet Studies
1:45-2:45 pm Rest Time
2:45-3:00 pm Snack
3:00-3:30 pm Free Choice Centers